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In order to better acquaint you with our club routine and how membership is handled, we offer you the following information. The Pushbutton Photo Club meets every month with the exception of December.  Our Annual Christmas Banquet will be held in December and that is for members and their families only.


We start every meeting at 6:00pm with refreshments served for 30-minute which gives you 30-minutes of social time that allows you time to share ideas, and greet members and guests. At 6:30pm the meeting begins with announcements and presentation, guest speaker and program.


Guests are always welcome and our hope is that you will decide to join and become a member of our club. As a member, you are eligible for a club newsletter. You can enter competition and have your photography critiqued by experienced photographers, you can also participate in field trips and have a vote when called for. If you decide to join, please see our Treasurer,  If the Treasurer is not at the meeting, you can email us at and will provide details on how to become a member of the Pushbutton Photo Club.


Were a Photo Club 

I. Objectives: The purpose of the Pushbutton Photo club is to promote photography: Through competition, discussion, events and a meeting place to share mutual interest. Occasional guest speakers. 


II. Membership shall be:​ Open to any person, that makes payment of dues and completion of membership application form. 


III. Annual dues are $50.00 per calendar year per person. Dues for persons joining are from the first day of the month they join to the first day of the same month one year later. 



V. Officers and Duties:


 President: Presides at all membership meetings, Serves as liaison to the community. 


 Vice President: Shall in the absence of the President, assume all duties of the President. 


 Secretary: Shall record the minutes of all Board and General Membership meetings and shall provide a written record of those minutes to be made available to the membership at the next available club meeting. Shall keep record of all club property and the location of that property. Keeps record of names, phone numbers, and email addresses of members.  Replies to emails sent to the club via the club’s website regarding possible membership. 


 Treasurer: Shall have charge of all moneys of The Pushbutton Photo Club. Shall collect dues and provide proper receipt. Shall provide a financial report each quarterly meeting to the general membership. A review of the Financial Records will be conducted once a year by an Audit Committee appointed by the President. This committee will be made up of two or more club members, who are not members of the Board. The Treasurer will provide the Audit Committee all records/documents related to the month(s) selected by the Committee for review. The final Audit Committee report will be provided to the General Membership upon completion of the audit by the Audit Committee.  


 General Meetings: The general meetings shall be held once per month.




All members are eligible to enter competitions. The photographer must have shot all images submitted for competition. (New Images)


A member may enter a maximum of two image for competition. All images must be different. 

The subject for each competition is either open or a special topic.  

An image that has placed first, second or third in a club competition is not eligible for re-entry in any future club competition regardless of changes in media, cropping, orientation, processing or title. If the photographer has taken other similar exposures of the same scene, these images are considered duplicates of the winning image and are not eligible for competition.



  • Beginner photographer (B)

  • Advanced photographer (A)

  • Master photographers (M)



New members may begin in either Beginner or Advanced Class when they first enter competitions. 



Advancement to Master photographer is by invitation only. recommendation for advancement from Advanced Class to Master Class are announced at our Annual Christmas Banquet in December of each year. A member recommended for advancement to Master Class may choose to remain in Advanced Class until recommended again for advancement.



The judges are asked to evaluate images based on impact, composition and technical merit. Competition scores may range from 70 – 100 based on the general criteria below. A score of 75 is considered to be a good image. 


95 - 100: Exceptional
90 - 94: Superior                                        
85 - 89: Excellent
80 - 84: Commendable
75 - 79: Above Average
70 - 74: Average​


Judges are asked to consider the following when scoring an image.

Impact – the sense one gets upon viewing an image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion.


Composition – important to the design of an image, bringing all the visual elements together in concert to express the purpose of the image.


Technique – the approach used to create the image. Printing, lighting, posing, capture, presentation media, and more are part of the technique applied to the image.​



Images should not have any identifying information that is visible on the image or mat, such as watermarks, signatures, logos, etc.



Submission of projected images in a club competition implies acceptance of all of these Competition Rules.



Right of usage

For right so usage or to check the status of a copyright please contact us at 

For all other inquiries, please feel free to call or text us at (210) 404-8973 keep in mind if you don't leave a message or text you won't get a reply.

© 2035 by JAMES JACKSON. Powered and secured by Pushbutton

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